

Function GetObjectRot get the objects current rotation. The rotation is saved by reference in three RotX/RotY/RotZ variables.

(objectid, &Float:RotX, &Float:RotY, &Float:RotZ)
int objectid The objectid of the object you want to get the rotation from.
float RotX The variable to store the X rotation, passed by reference.
float RotY The variable to store the Y rotation, passed by reference.
float RotZ The variable to store the Z rotation, passed by reference.

Return Values:
The object's rotation is stored in the referenced variables, not in the return value.

new Float:RotX,Float:RotY,Float:RotZ;
GetObjectRot(objectid, RotX, RotY, RotZ);

Related Functions
The following functions may be useful, as they are related to this function in one way or another.