Include a_actor.inc allows you to create bots in the game that will perform certain functions. You can set a route for them, replenish or take away health, and much more.
Include a_actor.inc was added in 0.3.7 and will not work in earlier versions! |
List of functions:
- CreateActor: Create a static 'actor' in the world.
- DestroyActor: Destroy an actor which was created with CreateActor.
- GetActorPos: Get the position of an actor.
- SetActorPos: Set the position of an actor.
- GetActorFacingAngle: Get the facing angle of an actor.
- SetActorFacingAngle: Set the facing angle of an actor.
- GetActorVirtualWorld: Get the virtual world of an actor.
- SetActorVirtualWorld: Set the virtual world of an actor.
- ApplyActorAnimation: Apply an animation to an actor.
- ClearActorAnimations: Clear any animations applied to an actor.
- GetPlayerCameraTargetActor: Allows you to retrieve the ID of the actor the player is looking at (in any).
- IsActorStreamedIn: Checks if an actor is streamed in for a player.
- GetActorHealth: Get the health of an actor.
- SetActorHealth: Set the health of an actor.
- SetActorInvulnerable: Toggle an actor's invulnerability.
- IsActorInvulnerable: Check if an actor is invulnerable.
- IsValidActor: Checks if an actor ID is valid.
- GetActorPoolSize: Gets the highest actorid created on the server.
- GetPlayerTargetActor: Gets id of an actor which is aimed by certain player.
List of callbacks:
- OnActorStreamIn: Called when an actor is streamed in by a player.
- OnActorStreamOut: Called when an actor is streamed out by a player.
- OnPlayerGiveDamageActor: This callback is called when a player gives damage to an actor.