

Function GetPlayerLastShotVectors retrieves the start and end (hit) position of the last bullet a player fired.
Function GetPlayerLastShotVectors was added in 0.3z and will not work in earlier versions!
  • This function will only work when lag compensation is enabled.
  • If the player hit nothing, the hit positions will be 0.0. This means you can't currently calculate how far a bullet travels through open air.
  • The function will return last shot information even if that shot was desynced (by returning 0 in OnPlayerWeaponShot).

(playerid, Float:fOriginX, Float:fOriginY, Float:fOriginZ, Float:fHitPosX, Float:fHitPosY, Float:fHitPosZ)
int playerid The ID of the player to get the last bullet shot information of.
float fOriginX A float variable in which to save the X coordinate of where the bullet originated from.
float fOriginY A float variable in which to save the Y coordinate of where the bullet originated from.
float fOriginZ A float variable in which to save the Z coordinate of where the bullet originated from.
float fHitPosX A float variable in which to save the X coordinate of where the bullet hit.
float fHitPosY A float variable in which to save the Y coordinate of where the bullet hit.
float fHitPosZ A float variable in which to save the Z coordinate of where the bullet hit.

Return Values:
  • 1: The function was executed successfully.
  • 0: The function failed to execute. The player specified does not exist.
The position of the last bullet is stored in the specified variables.

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/lastshot", true) == 0)
        new lsString[128],
            Float:fOriginX, Float:fOriginY, Float:fOriginZ,
            Float:fHitPosX, Float:fHitPosY, Float:fHitPosZ;
        GetPlayerLastShotVectors(playerid, fOriginX, fOriginY, fOriginZ, fHitPosX, fHitPosY, fHitPosZ);
        format(lsString, 128, "Last Shot Information: Origin: %f, %f, %f. Hit position: %f, %f, %f", fOriginX, fOriginY, fOriginZ, fHitPosX, fHitPosY, fHitPosZ);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, lsString);
        return 1;
    return 0;

Related Functions
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Related Callbacks
The following callbacks might be useful as well, as they are related to this callback in one way or another.