

Function setproperty add a new property or change an existing property.
This function name starts with a lowercase letter.

(id = 0, name[] = "", value = cellmin, string[] = "")
int id The virtual machine to use, you should keep this zero.
string name Used in combination with value when storing integers; don't use this if you want to store a string.
int value The integer value to store or the property's unique ID if storing a string. Use the hash-function to calculate it from a string.
string string The value of the property, as a string. Don't use this if you want to store an integer.

Return Values:
This function does not return any specific values.

// Storing Integers
setproperty(.name = "MyInteger", .value = 42);
new value = getproperty(.name = "MyInteger");
printf("Value that was stored is: %d", value);
// Storing Strings
setproperty(0, "", 123984334, ":)");
new value[4];
getproperty(0, "", 123984334, value);
strunpack(value, value, sizeof(value)); // we need to unpack the string first
//should print :)
// Seeing as all the parameters are optional, a piece of code like this similar:
setproperty(.value = 123984334, .string = ":)");
// The rest is the same as above.

Related Functions
The following functions may be useful, as they are related to this function in one way or another.