

Function SetTimerEx sets a timer to call a function after the specified interval. This variant ('Ex') can pass parameters (such as a player ID) to the function.
  • Timer ID variables should be initialized to -1 when they can to minimise the chance of accidentally killing timer ID 0 by mistake (or use timer ID 0 up at the start of OnGameModeInit).
  • Timer intervals are not accurate (roughly 25% off).
  • The function to be called must be public. That means it has to be forwarded.

(funcname[], interval, repeating, format[], {Float,_}:...)
string funcname The name of a public function to call when the timer expires.
int interval Interval in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 MS).
bool repeating Boolean (true/false (or 1/0)) that states whether the timer should be called repeatedly (can only be stopped with KillTimer) or only once.
string format Special format indicating the types of values the timer will pass.
{Float,_}:... Indefinite number of arguments to pass (must follow format specified in previous parameter).

Return Values:
The ID of the timer that was started. Timer IDs start at 1 and are never reused. There are no internal checks to verify that the parameters passed are valid (e.g. duration not a minus value). Y_Less' 'fixes2' plugin implements these checks and also vastly improves the accuracy of timers, and also adds support for array/string passing.

{{Addition|Format Syntax|}

Specifier Meaning
i Integer.
d Integer.
a Array. The next parameter must be an integer ("i") with the array's size. [CURRENTLY UNUSABLE]
f Float.
b Boolean (true/false).

SetTimerEx("EndAntiSpawnKill", 5000, false, "i", playerid);
// EndAntiSpawnKill - The function that will be called
// 5000 - 5000 MS (5 seconds). This is the interval. The timer will be called after 5 seconds.
// false - Not repeating. Will only be called once.
// "i" - I stands for integer (whole number). We are passing an integer (a player ID) to the function.
// playerid - The value to pass. This is the integer specified in the previous parameter.
// The event callback (OnPlayerSpawn) - we will start a timer here
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    // Anti-Spawnkill (5 seconds)
    // Set their health very high so they can't be killed
    SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 999999);
    // Notify them
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You are protected against spawn-killing for 5 seconds.");
    // Start a 5 second timer to end the anti-spawnkill
    SetTimerEx("EndAntiSpawnKill", 5000, false, "i", playerid);
// Forward (make public) the function so the server can 'see' it
forward EndAntiSpawnKill(playerid);
// The timer function - the code to be executed when the timer is called goes here
public EndAntiSpawnKill(playerid)
    // 5 seconds has passed, so let's set their health back to 100
    SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);
    // Let's notify them also
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You are no longer protected against spawn-killing.");
    return 1;

Related Functions
The following functions may be useful, as they are related to this function in one way or another.