

What are operators in a programming language and what are they

The following are symbols you can use in comparisons and their explanations. Some have been used in examples already.

Operator Meaning Usage
== Left is equal to Right if (Left == Right)
!= Left is not equal to Right if (Left != Right)
> Left is greater than Right if (Left > Right)
>= Left is greater than or equal to Right if (Left >= Right)
< Left is less than Right if (Left < Right)
<= Left is less than or equal to Right if (Left <= Right)
&& and if (Left && Right)
|| or if (Left || Right)
! not if (!Variable)
nor if (!(Left || Right))
nand if (!(Left && Right))
exclusive or (xor, eor) - only one or the other is true, not both if (!(Left && Right) && (Left || Right))
not exclusive or (nxor, neor) - both or neither are true if ((Left && Right) || !(Left || Right)