

Function GetVehicleParamsSirenState returns a vehicle's siren state (on/off).
Function GetVehicleParamsSirenState was added in 0.3.7 and will not work in earlier versions!
Because a siren state of -1 or 0 means 'off', you cannot use a boolean conditional statement to check whether sirens are on. If you do 'if(sirenstate)', it will be true for anything NOT 0 (so -1 or 1). You should check that the siren state explicitly equals 1.

int vehicleid The ID of the vehicle to get the siren state of.

Return Values:
  • -1: Vehicle siren hasn't been set yet (off).
  • 0: Vehicle siren is off.
  • 1: Vehicle siren is on.

new siren = GetVehicleParamsSirenState(vehicleid);
if(siren == 1)
    // Siren is on, do something
    // Siren is off, do something

Related Functions
The following functions may be useful, as they are related to this function in one way or another.