

Function GetVehicleParamsCarWindows allows you to retrieve the current state of a vehicle's windows.
Function GetVehicleParamsCarWindows was added in 0.3.7 and will not work in earlier versions!
The values returned in each variable are as follows:
  • -1: Window state not set (generally closed, unless set explicitly to -1);
  • 0: Open;
  • 1: Closed.

(vehicleid, &driver, &passenger, &backleft, &backright)
int vehicleid The ID of the vehicle.
bool driver The integer to save the state of the drivers window to.
bool passenger The integer to save the state of the passengers window to.
bool backleft The integer to save the state of the rear left window to (if available).
bool backright The integer to save the state of the rear right window to (if available).

Return Values:
The vehicle's windows state is stored in the specified variables.


Related Functions
The following functions may be useful, as they are related to this function in one way or another.