

Function GetTickCount returns the uptime of the actual server (not the SA-MP server) in milliseconds.
GetTickCount will cause problems on servers with uptime of over 24 days as GetTickCount will eventually warp past the integer size constraints. However using This function fixes the problem.
One common use for GetTickCount is for benchmarking. It can be used to calculate how much time some code takes to execute. See below for an example.

(This function has no parameters.)

Return Values:
Uptime of the actual server (not the SA-MP server).

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    new count = GetTickCount();
    //Rest of OnPlayerConnect
    printf("Time taken to execute OnPlayerConnect: %d", GetTickCount() - count);
    return 1;

Related Functions
The following functions may be useful, as they are related to this function in one way or another.
  • tickcount: Get the uptime of the actual server.
  • GetTickDiff: Calculate the time elapsed between the two calls GetTickCount(), given the possibility of overflow passed values.